
A poem about waves

My mom used to tell me
That waves live short lives
They swell up with pride
Before crashing to death

Since then, I’ve wondered
Where waves go when they die
What happens to their souls
After receding from the sand?

If they have an undertow
Do they have an undertaker?
A collector for the remains
Of a wave that used to be?

Do the other waves mourn
For the loss of their friend?
Is it tears I feel upon my face
For loved ones to be missed?

Are they welcomed back to sea
Celebrated for their valor
In some never-ending struggle
Against the shoreline

Probably they’re just waves
Doing what waves always do
And it was just a story from a lady
Struggling to get by

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Originally published on austingil.com.

One comment

  1. Hey Austin. Thanks for sharing your poetry. It is the only thing I understand on your website. When I read about disabilities and whatever, I thought you meant human handicaps lol. But I will stop by occasionally to check out if more poetry is on here.
    Much love to you dear one. Merry Christmas everyday (like I think it ought to be).

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